About Us

Our History / Our Team / Offices / Partners


PATRI was founded in 1986 during the country’s redemocratization period following 21 years of military rule. The growth and development of our work has coincided with Brazil’s own process of building democracy and the rule of law.

PATRI is a nonpartisan secular organization recognized for its ethical and effective performance. We comply with all domestic and foreign laws related to governance, transparency and combating corruption in addition to client confidentiality agreements and codes of ethics.

PATRI is deeply committed to ethics and compliance, routinely reinforced through our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, and our system of governance and compliance. 


We work to make your business stronger by identifying risks and opportunities through active and ongoing engagement with stakeholders in government and civil society all through the process of public policy formulation.  


Our team is made up of nearly 90 highly qualified professionals from diverse backgrounds, trained in-house to view and conduct public affairs according to a corporate culture built over the years on its methodology, technical expertise and corporate governance.

Eduardo Ricardo

Senior Managing Partner

Carlos Eduardo Lins da Silva

Senior Managing Partner

Rui Nogueira

Senior Managing Partner

Marina de Paula

Partner Director

Michel Neil

Partner Director

Martha Alves

Partner Director

Daniel Hissa

Partner Director

Aline Maina

Partner - Client Services

Corina Avellar

Partner - Client Services

Daniele Branquinho

Partner and Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)

Fernanda Marangoni

Client Services

Ana Spinelli

Leader - Economy and Global Affairs

Anna Clara Medina

Leader - Institutional

Camila Gambaroni

Leader - States and Municipalities

Carlos Alves

Leader - Health
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Through over 30 years of experience in Brazil (with offices in Brasília, DF and São Paulo, SP) and a presence of more than 20 years in Washington, D.C. (U.S.), PATRI has assembled a solid understanding of the process involved in formulating public policy in Brazil’s complex business environment.


SAF Sul, Quadra 02, Bloco D

Edifício Via Esplanada, Salas 103 à 106

Brasília - DF

Tel.: +55 61 3327-2606


Rua Olimpíadas, 134 - Cj. 52

Condomínio Alpha Tower, 5º andar 

Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP

Tel.: +55 11 3079-4533


1101 17th Street, NW, Suite 610

Washington, DC, 20036

United States

Tel.: +1 202 822-6420