Brazilian Elections
Who wants to be the next President of Brazil?
In october 2, we reached the 1-year mark until the 2022 General Elections in B...
1000 dias Governo Bolsonaro
No dia 27 de setembro, completou mil dias desde a posse de Jair Bolsonaro em 1º de janeiro de 2019.
Naquele dia, o presidente e...
Corrida Eleitoral 2022
Quantos votos são necessários para ser eleito Presidente do país?
Ao longo do próximo ano, a atenção estará voltada para...
#56 Alta dos preços dos alimentos, vigência da LGPD e...
What is happening in Brazil with environmental policies...
In order to contribute to the debate on World Environment Day, which took place on June 5, PATRI prepared a document with the scen...
Economic Recovery in States
Perspective on restrictive measures in the states and the perspective of opening or restricting activities by the governors.
Public Affairs
Calendar of allusive dates
Highlighted dates for planning institutional actions and Public Affairs campaigns.
New Coronavirus - Capitals
Table of measures that have already been taken in the States to contain the New Coronavirus crisis.
New Coronavirus - States
Table of measures that have already been taken in the States to contain the New Coronavirus crisis.
Donations Against Coronavirus
Initiatives on donations at the federal level, in the state of SP and civil society.
New Coronavirus - Legislative
What does the pandemic mean for work with the National Congress?
Brazil at a Glance